Work in progress exploring the bear.

Includes drawings from Wild and rescued bears in the carpathian mountains, Romania. As well as drawing in the archives of the Natural History Museum.

The bear, once the revered king of beasts in Europe, was hunted to extinction in Britain 1,500 years ago, despite once inhabiting the land in substantial numbers. Consequently, the bear was stripped of its title and became a villain. This is something which is still happening today with an estimate 150-200 species going extinct a day. Today, approximately 150-200 species are believed to go extinct every day, indicating an urgent need for re-wilding. Several animal species have been successfully reintroduced in Britain, leading to an overall increase in biodiversity. Nonetheless, the bear continues to be a controversial species, primarily portrayed as a terrifying man-eater that perpetuates negative perceptions. This inquiry seeks to challenge such representations and engage the public with empathy and respect.
